Chop Restaurant
A Sizzle Reel That
Literally Sizzles
Social Strategy
Content Creation
What did we do?
A perfectly seared
approach to social
& content.
We created a full social strategy, plus hi-fi and lo-fi content, to position Chop as an innovator among steakhouses in the social space.

What did they need?
Aprons on. Let’s
fire up the grill.
Hot off a rebrand, Chop asked us to build a social strategy supporting their bold new stance. They loved it so much they asked us to design and execute a content campaign for them, too.

How did we do it?
Rebuilding the
house that steak
built (on social.)
We leaned into the brand’s core tenets of innovation, authenticity, and transparency to build out an engagement-focused social approach and content campaign. We shot their chefs at work in one of their restaurants (—and sampled the goods, for work reasons, of course.) The resulting imagery is dynamic and lived-in, so you can hear the sizzle and almost taste it. With 35+ pieces of hi-fi and 50+ pieces of lo-fi content, we helped Chop serve up a perfect fusion of modernity and tradition. Is your mouth watering yet?